Track Overview
JavaScript: Powering the Modern Web
Explore the frameworks that make JavaScript so popular, and learn how JavaScript-based languages are evolutionising frontend (and backend) development.
From this track
A New Way to Profile Node.js
It’s been weeks and the organization you work for seems to be slowly turning against you. At least that’s what it feels like. User experience is poor because of slow API’s, sales are being missed, performance-linked SEO heuristics are causing a drop in page ranking. Mobile users have all...

Matteo Collina
Principal Architect @NearForm
State Management for React Using Context and Hooks
Redux is one of the most popular approchaes to state management in React applications. However, it comes with a decent amount of boilerplate plus it often ends up being used everywhere, no matter the context or app size. This talk explores a barebones alternative approach to state management that...

Vlad Zelinschi
CTO @strongbytesro & Google Developer Expert on Web Technologies
Programming the Cloud with TypeScript
JavaScript has been applied to a wide variety of domains over the last few decades - from web to server and IoT to serverless. One domain that has resisted this trend is Cloud Infrastructure, which is still largely managed by copy/pasting YAML files or pointing and clicking in web...

Luke Hoban
CTO @PulumiCorp & TypeScript Co-Creator
Bringing JAMStack to the Enterprise
As application development trends toward smarter devices our server strategy is beginning to see a shift as well. Application servers written in node.js are beginning to thin out as more and more logic lives directly on content delivery networks and individual devices. This past year my...

Jamund Ferguson
Web Platform Team Lead @PayPal
Build Node.js APIs using Serverless
Serverless lets you focus on coding and testing instead of provisioning infrastructure, configuring web servers, debugging your configuration, managing security settings, and all the drudgery normally associated with getting an app up and running. In this session with, you’ll discover how to...

Simona Cotin
Cloud Developer Advocate @Microsoft
Speakers from this track

Matteo Collina
Principal Architect @NearForm
Matteo is a code pirate and mad scientist. He spends most of his days programming in Node.js, but in the past he worked with Ruby, Java and Objective-C. In 2014, he defended his Ph.D. thesis titled "Application Platforms for the Internet of Things". Now he is a Principal Architect at nearForm,...
Read moreFind Matteo Collina at:

Vlad Zelinschi
CTO @strongbytesro & Google Developer Expert on Web Technologies
Vlad is a pragmatic software architect, lover of the web and caffeine addict. He loves surrounding himself with ever smiling people. He's the CTO of Strongbytes, Google Developer Expert on Web Technologies since October 2016 and a certified trainer. He's part of JSHeroes Community and actively...
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Luke Hoban
CTO @PulumiCorp & TypeScript Co-Creator
Luke Hoban is the CTO at Pulumi where he is re-imagining how developers program the cloud. Prior to Pulumi, Luke held product and engineering roles at AWS and Microsoft. At AWS, Luke led product definition and business planning for EC2 instance families including GPU, FPGA and T2 compute...
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Jamund Ferguson
Web Platform Team Lead @PayPal
Jamund Ferguson is a JavaScript architect at PayPal. He loves to look at how following patterns consistently can prevent bugs in applications. He’s previously contributed to the ESLint and StandardJS open-source projects and has as of late become a fan of FlowType and TypeScript. He is married...
Read moreFind Jamund Ferguson at:

Simona Cotin
Cloud Developer Advocate @Microsoft
Simona Cotin is a web developer with a passion for teaching. She spends most of her time tinkering with JavaScript in the cloud and sharing her experience with other developers at community events like meetups and conferences or online. As a Cloud Developer Advocate, Simona engages with the web...
Read moreFind Simona Cotin at:
Track Host

Richard Rodger
Richard Rodger is the founder and CEO @voxgig
Richard Rodger is the founder and CEO of, a professional networking and tool suite for the technology conferences and events industry.Richard was previously a co-founder and COO of, the world's largest specialist Node.js consultancy delivering next-generation...
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