Speaker: Eugene Pilyankevich
CTO @cossacklabs, Building Applied Cryptographic / Data Security Tooling
Eugene is CTO at Cossack Labs, a data security engineering company, where his job includes almost everything (as you can imagine a CTO of a small company does): defining product strategy, designing internal products and customer solutions, driving R&D efforts, ensuring the steady cycle of forming–storming–norming–performing of core engineering team. Eugene started as a software developer and ISP infrastructure engineer nearly two decades ago. Being always keen to chase causes for failures he had to deal with daily led to a chain of positions - through security engineer and software/security architect to CTO in telco, banking, and computer security industries. A life-long interest in understanding risk, human behavior, and decisionmaking under uncertain conditions made Eugene look into causes of resiliency and security problems where they actually begin: in human brains.