Machine Learning Open Space
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From the same track
BERT for Sentiment Analysis on Sustainability Reporting
Sentiment analysis is a commonly used technique to assess customer opinion around a product or brand. The data used for these purposes often consists of product reviews, which have (relatively) clear language and are even labeled (e.g. ratings). But when you look at what companies write about...

Susanne Groothuis
Sr. Data Scientist in the Advanced Analytics and Big Data team @KPMG
Accuracy as a Failure
When you see a green light, will you cross the street? Or will you still check for cars?When your machine learning model has demonstrated high accuracy, do you push it to production?This talk contains cautionary tales of mistakes that might happen when you let your data scientists on a goose...

Vincent Warmerdam
Research Advocate @Rasa
Visual Intro to Machine Learning and Deep Learning
Break into machine learning with this gentle and intuitive journey through central concepts in machine learning -- from the most basic models up to the latest cutting edge deep learning models. This highly visual presentation will give you the mental map of ML prediction models and how...

Jay Alammar
VC and Machine Learning Explainer @STVcapital
Speeding Up ML Development with MLFlow
Machine Learning is more approachable than ever before and the number of companies applying Machine Learning to build AI powered applications and products has dramatically increased in recent years. On this journey of adopting Machine Learning, many companies learn successful Machine...

Hien Luu
Engineering Manager @LinkedIn focused on Big Data
The Fast Track to AI with Javascript and Serverless
Most people associate AI and Machine Learning with the Python language. This talk will explore how to get started building AI enabled platforms and services using full stack Javascript and Serverless technologies. With practical examples drawn from real world projects the talk will get you up and...

Peter Elger
Co-Founder & CEO @fourtheorem