Real-Time Data Analysis and ML for FraudPrevention

PayPal processes about a billion dollars of payment volume daily ($354bn in FY2016); complex decisions are made for each transaction or user action, to manage risk and compliance, while also ensuring good user experience. PayPal users can make payments immediately in 200 countries with the assurance that the company’s transactions are secure. In today’s world, as fraud becomes more and more sophisticated, how does PayPal achieve this goal? While many industry solutions rely on fast analytics performed in near-real time over streaming data, our business requirements demand real-time, millisecond-range response. This talk will address the architectural approach towards our internally built real-time service platform, which delivers unparalleled performance and quality of decisions. This platform blurs the line between Big Data and sustainable support for a high volume of real-time decision requests. Hence, we will have a look at the Machine Learning risk models lifecycle and deployment in production for inference at scale, and outline key challenges and lessons learned for deployment on real-time event-driven, fast data in-memory architecture that accelerates detection and decisions, thereby reducing losses, improving customer experience, and allowing efficient new integrations.


Mikhail Kourjanski

PayPal Lead Data Architect, Risk and Compliance Management Platform

Mikhail Kourjanski is the Lead Data Architect at PayPal, responsible for the data architecture of the PayPal real-time decisioning platform that handles billions of events per day and maintains dozens of petabytes of data. For fraud prevention function alone, this platform saves more than $500M...

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Fleming, 3rd flr.


Next Gen Banking: It’s not all Blockchains and ICOs


Financial ApplicationsFraud DetectionMachine LearningReal TimeArchitecturePerformanceUser ExperienceSilicon ValleyPayPal


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Rob Harrop

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Mikhail Kourjanski

PayPal Lead Data Architect, Risk and Compliance Management Platform

Teresa Ng

Android engineer @Starling Bank

Alex Batlin

Founder and CEO @Trustology

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