Mini-Workshop: Power of Coaching
In the Agile community, the term “coaching” gets bandied around almost as much as “Agile”. What do we mean by “coaching”, what are the core skills of an effective coach, what does good look like and how does it feel to coach and be coached?
Join us in this workshop to experience what being a coach means and discover where you are on your personal journey of continuous improvement.
#Coaching #Improvement #BeCoached

Portia Tung
Author of "The Dream Team Nightmare"
I’m an Executive Agile Coach, Executive & Personal Coach and Play Researcher who combines business strategies with play to bring about positive organisational change. I’m an international speaker, and the creator of concepts such as Playmaking and Enterprise Gardening. I specialise in...
Read moreFind Portia Tung at:
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Sarah Wells
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Colin Breck
Sr. Staff Software Engineer @Tesla
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John Graham-Cumming
CTO @Cloudflare

Jessie Frazelle
Engineer @github, Xoogler, Ex-Docker Core Maintainer

Suhail Patel
Staff Engineer @Monzo
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Jendrik Jördening
Data Scientist @Nooxit

Roland Meertens
Machine Learning Engineer @Autonomous Intelligent Driving

Jessica Yung
Machine Learning blogger and entrepreneur, Self-Driving Car Engineer Scholar @nvidia