Track Overview
Next Generation Microservices: Building Distributed Systems the Right Way
There has been a meteoric adoption of large scale distributed systems following the advent of microservices architecture. Although there has been widespread adoption of this architecture the practice is still rapidly evolving.
We see these complex distributed systems springing up everywhere but rarely see well built versions.
We need to answer so many questions to build a distributed system well
- How do we migrate our current monolithic architecture to microservices?
- What does sensible testing look like in a landscape of autonomous loosely coupled services?
- How do we avoid building a distributed monolith?
- What do highly available and reliable services look like in this architecture?
- How do we support and maintain the systems we build?
On this track, we are bringing together some of the early adopters and thought leaders of this approach. They will share their insights and experience to help you avoid some of the pitfalls and to answer the questions you need to address.
From this track
Monolith Decomposition Patterns
Patterns to help you incrementally migrate from a monolith to microservices. Big Bang rebuilds of systems are so 20th century. With our users expecting new functionality to be shipped more frequently than ever before, we no longer have the luxury of a complete system rebuild. In fact, a big bang...

Sam Newman
Microservice, Cloud, CI/CD Expert
Beyond the Distributed Monolith: Rearchitecting the Big Data Platform
The BBC’s Audience Platform Data team collects, transforms and delivers billions of events each day from audience interactions with mobile apps and web sites such as BBC News, BBC Sport, iPlayer and Sounds.Last year we migrated to a new analytics provider and we took this as an...

Blanca Garcia-Gil
Principal Engineer on data platform @BBC
Monitoring All the Things: Keeping Track of a Mixed Estate
Monitoring all of a team’s systems can be tricky when you have a microservice architecture. But what happens when you have many teams, each building systems using totally different technology stacks? Add in decades of legacy systems and a sprinkling of third-party tools and you’ve got...

Luke Blaney
Principal Engineer Operations and Reliability Programme @FT
Why Distributed Systems Are Hard
Every company that has adopted microservices architecture operates a complex distributed system. It's basically a full-time endeavor to keep up with the ever-changing landscape of technologies and tools to build, maintain, and scale these towering production systems, but the fundamentals of...

Denise Yu
Senior Software Engineer @GitHub
To Microservices and Back Again
From the start, Segment embraced a microservice architecture in our control plane and data plane. Microservices have many benefits: improved modularity, reduced testing burden, better functional composition, environmental isolation, and development team autonomy, etc. but when implemented wrong...

Alexandra Noonan
Software Engineer @segment
Panel: Microservices - Are they still worth it?
Lots of us have moved away from monolithic architectures and embraced microservices but do we see the bang for the buck? Is the impact they are having a positive one or negative one? Is there an alternative middle ground? Have we learnt how to wrangle all the operational complexity inherent with...

Luke Blaney
Principal Engineer Operations and Reliability Programme @FT

Alexandra Noonan
Software Engineer @segment

Manuel Pais
IT Organizational Consultant and co-author of Team Topologies

Matt Heath
Senior Staff Engineer @Monzo
Speakers from this track

Sam Newman
Microservice, Cloud, CI/CD Expert
Sam is a technologist focusing in the areas of cloud, microservices, and continuous delivery - three topics which seem to overlap frequently. Providing consulting, training and advisory services to startups and large multi-national enterprises alike, he has over 20 years in IT as a developer, sys...
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Blanca Garcia-Gil
Principal Engineer on data platform @BBC
Blanca Garcia Gil is a principal systems engineer at BBC. She currently works on a team whose aim is to provide a reliable platform at petabyte scale for data engineering and machine learning. She provides leadership on ensuring that the development team has the correct infrastructure and tooling...
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Luke Blaney
Principal Engineer Operations and Reliability Programme @FT
Luke has worked for the Financial Times since 2012 as a Developer and then Platform Architect. Now a Principal Engineer on their Reliability Engineering team, tasked with improving operational resilience and reducing duplication of tech effort across the company.
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Denise Yu
Senior Software Engineer @GitHub
Denise is a Senior Software Engineer at GitHub, currently working to help make the platform a safer and more inclusive place, as part of the Community & Safety Team. She speaks and runs workshops frequently at conferences in North America and Europe on topics ranging from scaling...
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Alexandra Noonan
Software Engineer @segment
Alexandra Noonan is a backend engineer who spends most of her time building reliable, scalable systems. She's been at working at Segment for the past 4 years, focused distributed systems and scaling the core data pipeline.
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Manuel Pais
IT Organizational Consultant and co-author of Team Topologies
Manuel Pais is an independent IT organizational consultant and trainer, focused on team interactions, delivery practices, and accelerating flow. Manuel is co-author of the book "Team Topologies: Organizing Business and Technology Teams for Fast Flow" (IT Revolution Press, 2019). He...
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Matt Heath
Senior Staff Engineer @Monzo
Matt Heath is an engineer at Monzo, a new kind of digital bank, where he works on Monzo's microservice platform and payment services. Having previously worked as the Technical Lead of Hailo's global platform, Matt has an unhealthy obsession for scaling fault tolerant, high volume,...
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Track Host

Nicky Wrightson
Ventures CTO @blenheimchalcot
Nicky has worked as an engineer for over 20 years over many industries. She is currently working as Ventures CTO for Blenheim Chalcot, a venture builder which believes in investing more than just funds but investing knowledge and experience, ideas and infrastructure to build new sustainable...
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