Track Overview
Industry practitioners and technical product managers from leading vendors demonstrate solutions to some of today's toughest software development challenges in the areas of performance monitoring, Big Data, software delivery, scalability, and more.
From this track
Lessons Learned Implementing ChatOps
Email overload, distributed teams and excessive meetings have caused many organizations to move their DevOps teams to messaging platforms and thus adopt ChatOps workflows. With thousands of open source installs and hundreds of customer implementations, we have a few lessons to share on...

Corey Hulen
CTO and Co-founder @Mattermost
Kubernetes for Developers, Architects, & Other People
You've got kubernetes up and running, and you're ready for it to change your life! But, all you see now is a blinking cursor. What do you do now?!This talk explains what cloud native development is, how kubernetes supports it, and give you a toolkit to start planning for how you'll...

Michael Coté
Staff Technologist @VMware
Using Reinforcement Learning AI to Accelerate DevOps
You probably learned that hacking on code until it works is the wrong way to write a program. But today, that’s essentially what we do in AI (albeit trillions of times faster)—and it achieves remarkable results!Reinforcement learning was notably used by Google’s AlphaGo...

Mathew Lodge
Chief Executive Officer @diffbluehq
Open Source Developers Are Security’s New Front Line
Bad actors have recognised the power of open source and are now beginning to create their own attack opportunities. This new form of assault, where OSS project credentials are compromised and malicious code is intentionally injected into open source libraries, allows hackers to poison the well....

Ilkka Turunen
Global Director, Pre-Sales Engineering @Sonatype
Pitfalls in Measuring SLOs
We built support for SLOs (Service Level Objectives) against our event store so we could monitor operations for our own complex distributed system. In the process of doing so, we learned that there were a number of important aspects that we didn’t expect from carefully reading the SRE...

Danyel Fisher
Principal Design Researcher @honeycombio
Design, Catalogue, Discover and Use Your Event Assets
How do you communicate about the Event assets in your organisation? Where do you keep what Events there are? Authors and users of RESTful APIs are used to a rich suite of tools that gather, document, manage, monitor and govern their APIs so that teams can collaborate on their API...

Tom Fairbairn
Solace Distinguished Engineer
Speakers from this track

Corey Hulen
CTO and Co-founder @Mattermost
Corey Hulen is the CTO and co-founder of Mattermost, Inc., creators of the open source enterprise messaging workspace built for privacy-conscious organizations. Prior to Mattermost, he founded Tempo AI, a machine intelligence startup spun out from Stanford Research Institute, which was acquired...
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Michael Coté
Staff Technologist @VMware
Michael Coté focuses studies how large organizations get better at building software to run better and grow their business. Most recently, he’s published Monolithic Transformation on this topic. He’s been an industry analyst at RedMonk and 451 Research, done corporate strategy and...
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Mathew Lodge
Chief Executive Officer @diffbluehq
Mathew has over twenty-five years of experience in the software industry in developer, product and marketing roles. Before joining Diffblue, his titles included SVP at Anaconda and Vice President of Cloud Services at VMWare. In each role, his focus has been on building and marketing products that...
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Ilkka Turunen
Global Director, Pre-Sales Engineering @Sonatype
Ilkka Turunen is the Global Director of Pre-sales Engineering at Sonatype. His background is in software and systems engineering, acting as an architect for several commercial projects. He's helped define everything from the software design to webscale infrastructure architectures and...
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Danyel Fisher
Principal Design Researcher @honeycombio
Danyel Fisher is a Principal Design Researcher for He focuses his passion for data visualization on helping SREs understand their complex systems quickly and clearly. Before he started at Honeycomb, he spent thirteen years at Microsoft Research, studying ways to help people gain...
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Tom Fairbairn
Solace Distinguished Engineer
Tom is a Solace Distinguished Engineer, helping organisations visualise, architect, design, implement and deploy Event Driven Architectures in industries such as Financial Services, Gaming and Manufacturing. With a background in Enterprise Architecture, asynchronous techniques and high...
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Nitin Bharti
Managing Editor and Product Manager, C4Media
Over the last decade, Nitin has helped build several notable online developer communities including, DZone, and The Code Project. He is known for his extensive editorial work in the Enterprise Java, .NET, SOA, and Agile communities. As Managing Editor and Product Manager at...
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