Track Overview
Industry practitioners and technical product managers from leading vendors demonstrate solutions to some of today's toughest software development challenges in the areas of performance monitoring, Big Data, software delivery, scalability, and more.
From this track
The End of the IT Manager - Being a Tech Lead in a Modern Organisation
IT driven organisations are more and more adopting the agile way of working. Self-Organising teams are at the basis of these organisations and IT management layers are disappearing rapidly. Technical leads are pushed into the center of it all and become the key players in the transformation and...

Marcin Pakulnicki
Lead Engineer Current Accounts NL & BE @ING
Streaming in a World of Legacy Applications
There are common themes when people describe their reasons for rearchitecting legacy business applications, at a technical level: Speed & Scalability. At a business level: The need to gain new insights flowing from an increasing stream of data. These legacy applications commonly centre around...

David Brimley
Distributed Systems Consultant @Hazelcast

Vladimir Schreiner
Product Manager @Hazelcast
Introduction to SQL++ for Big Data: Same Language, More Power
The most popular databases in the world all speak SQL, and almost 60% of Stack Overflow members use SQL. SQL is the query language that dominates when it comes to interacting with data. Data has changed since the 1970s; it’s no longer just stored in flat tables, but as rich, hierarchical...

Denis Wilson Souza Rosa
Senior Developer Advocate @Couchbase
How to Create Powerful Feature Flags to Fuel Product Experimentation
More and more teams are looking for ways to iterate gradually and validate their ideas with data. Techniques like A/B testing, feature flagging, and gradual rollouts are quickly going from niche to mainstream. More experimentation means faster development and better products. But like any trend,...

Kody O’Connell
Lead Developer Advocate @Optimizely
Evolutionary Architecture: From Start-Up to Scale-Up
Many young startup CTOs think that they need to create the perfect architecture from day one. Spending many hours creating the ideal microservice architecture before having market fit, and spending days customising infrastructure and deployments instead of using PaaS like Heroku could be the...

David Santoro
David Santoro is the CTO and Co-Founder @carwowuk
Speakers from this track

Marcin Pakulnicki
Lead Engineer Current Accounts NL & BE @ING
Marcin started out as Flash developer many years ago and thought himself programming. Since then he has been involved in development of many Java, Android and JavaScript apps. He is a true technology enthusiast and during his time at ING Bank he developed an itch for making technical innovations...
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David Brimley
Distributed Systems Consultant @Hazelcast
David Brimley is a consultant to Investment Banks and Software Companies. David has travelled the world, helping people make sense of distributed systems architecture. With 30 years in the IT industry, primarily in investment banking IT as a developer and architect. David has a deep...
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Vladimir Schreiner
Product Manager @Hazelcast
Vladimir is a technical product manager for Hazelcast, with an engineering background (Master’s degree in Computer science) and deep expertise in stream processing and real-time data pipelines. Vladimir joined Hazelcast in 2016 and he is the product guy behind the Hazelcast Jet streaming...
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Denis Wilson Souza Rosa
Senior Developer Advocate @Couchbase
Speaker and Developer Advocate at Couchbase, he started programming even before the college and never stopped coding since then. He is a Java & NoSQL specialist, open-source contributor, and an enthusiast of Microservices & DevOps
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David Santoro
David Santoro is the CTO and Co-Founder @carwowuk
David Santoro is the CTO and Co-Founder of, the FT1000 2018 6th fastest growing startup in Europe. He has been programming for over 20 years and making a living from it for over 16 years. He is a programmer at heart but more interested in creating successful businesses/products using...
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Nitin Bharti
Managing Editor and Product Manager, C4Media
Over the last decade, Nitin has helped build several notable online developer communities including, DZone, and The Code Project. He is known for his extensive editorial work in the Enterprise Java, .NET, SOA, and Agile communities. As Managing Editor and Product Manager at...
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