Session + Live Q&A
Micro-Frontends Anti-Patterns: 7 Years in the Trenches
Micro-Frontends are the distributed architecture for the user interfaces that are solving not only technical but also organizational challenges.
In this session, you will learn the most common anti-patterns I've seen in the past 7 years of implementing and consulting multiple companies in their journey into the micro-frontends architecture. Whether you are an expert or a newbie, in this talk, you will learn how to structure properly your micro-frontends architecture and how to avoid common mistakes meanwhile building micro-frontends.
Main Takeaways
1 Hear about microfrontends, how they can help.
2 Learn about some architectural anti-patterns to avoid.
What is the focus of your work these days?
I'm working on the next step for microfrontends. It's been quite a time researching this topic, and especially now they are looking into a client side rendering microfrontend as well as server side rendering microfrontend with serverless. Those are the two main topics that I've been researching in the last few months, and I think we'll invest even more time during this year.
What is the motivation for your talk?
I believe microfrontends are getting a lot of traction. Every week I engage with new customers looking into starting their journey or reviewing what they have done so far with microfrontends, and I realize that there are common problems that they are facing every day. Considering my experience, that is found across the last seven years working with this architectural pattern, focusing my effort on where there is undifferentiated heavy lifting is and trying to provide a solution that will speed up the adoption of these architectural patterns is a good investment of my time.
How would you describe the persona level of your target audience?
I think architects, tech leaders and senior developers, principal engineers are the target of my talk. I will share common anti-patterns that I have seen with tens of customers that I'm following nowadays and then I provide possible solutions for solving them. We need to bear in mind that architecture is always a trade off. So obviously a specific solution will bring some benefits and drawbacks. What I'm trying to do is provide a solution that I've already seen working with my customers at scale in different industries, knowing that they will provide benefits. But that doesn't mean I don't want to be challenged by the audience. I hope that they will provide some insightful feedback because I think we are in early days with microfrontends. There are a lot to discover and a lot to discuss and I think it would be great having a discussion.
What do you want them to take away from your presentation?
It would be great if we can engage during the conference or off-line in an asynchronous fashion through email, through socials. I believe we are in a very interesting time for microfrontends, thanks to the adoption of large organizations like PayPal or Amex or Fiveer and many others. Discussing the challenges we are facing is a great benefit for the community because we can really surface and solutionize collaboratively, sharing our problems, sharing our ideas and seeing how to overcome them.

Luca Mezzalira
Principal Solutions Architect @AWS
Luca is a Principal Solutions Architect at AWS, an international speaker and an author. Over the past 18 years, he’s mastered software architectures from frontend to the cloud, providing the right solution for the context.
Read moreFind Luca Mezzalira at:
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