Session + Live Q&A
Orchestrating Hybrid Workflows with Apache Airflow
According to analysts, 87 percent of enterprises have already adopted hybrid cloud strategies. Customers have many reasons why they need to support hybrid environments, from maximizing the value from heritage systems to meeting local compliance and data processing regulations. As they build their data pipelines, they increasingly need to be able to orchestrate those across on-premises and cloud environments. In this session, I will share how you can leverage Apache Airflow to orchestrate a workflow using data sources inside and outside the cloud.
Main Takeaways
1 Hear about Apache Airflow, what it is and how it helps with orchestrating data pipelines.
2 Learn what are some of the tradeoffs of using Apache Airflow, and what are some new capabilities that teams can use.
What is the focus of your work these days?
I am a principal developer advocate for open source, which means that I work with builders to make AWS the best place to run open source workloads. Sometimes that is about helping to spread awareness of open source projects. Sometimes it's about helping open source projects figure out how to best work on AWS. This means I do demos, I write blogs and I speak at events like QCon.
And what is the motivation for your talk?
Over the last 12 months, I've been spending a lot of time on a very popular open source project called Apache Airflow, which is used by data engineering teams to help automate their data pipelines. And I also work with customers who are moving to the cloud, and they're increasingly looking at solutions that work both within the cloud but also outside of the cloud. So how do they work in hybrid environments? The motivation of this talk is how can you take an open source project such as Apache Airflow, which is a workflow orchestrator, and extend that so that they can work and orchestrate workflows anywhere.
You touched on this a little bit with the last question, but how would you describe the persona and level of the target audience for your session?
The personas that I typically go for are data engineer, and sysadmins. These are the folks that typically have to understand what solutions and tools are available to help them solve problems, understand the capabilities and how to use them, architect the solution, and ultimately do the wiring and deployment of all this stuff. It's those two broad buckets of personas who actually I talk to within my demo.
What would you like this persona to walk away with at the end of your presentation?
The key thing here is to understand how, first of all, Apache Airflow can help you orchestrate data pipelines in hybrid environments, that you've got a number of different ways you can do that, and each of those have got different tradeoffs. I'm hoping that they'll come away with a better understanding of some of the options they've got, as well as some of the new capabilities, the new innovations that we've released that make that really easier for these teams.

Ricardo Sueiras
Principal Advocate in Open Source @AWS
Over 30 years spent working in the technology industry, helping customers solve business problems with open source and cloud. Currently I am a Developer Advocate at AWS focusing on open source, where I help raise awareness of AWS and our customers open source projects and technology, and work...
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