Fast, Flexible and Functional Programming With OCaml
OCaml is a fast, natively compiled programming language with imperative, object-oriented and functional features. It is over two decades old now, and is often used in niche but safety-critical areas such as formal verification (in Coq, Compcert). In recent years however, it has emerged as a wonderful language to compile to new targets such as JavaScript (ReasonML), operating system kernels (MirageOS) and even FPGAs. In this talk, we will give you a brief history of OCaml both from a technical and community building perspective, and explain how we are unlocking its potential in the “new” world of browsers and IoT. If you are interested in functional programming techniques but have not delved into it deeply, then we hope that this will be an accessible introduction to a practical “old language made new”.
Anil Madhavapeddy
University Lecturer @Cambridge_CL (Cambridge Computer Laboratory)
Anil Madhavapeddy is a University Lecturer at the University of Cambridge, based in the Systems Research Group. He was on the original team that developed the Xen hypervisor, and has worked on unikernels, functional programming and ubiquitous computing topics. Prior to obtaining his PhD, Anil had...
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Gemma Gordon
Operations Director at OCaml Labs, University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory
Gemma Gordon is Operations Director for the OCaml Labs group based in the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory, and the CEO of OCaml Labs Consultancy. She manages core projects of the group together with organising community events in the field of functional programming and open source.
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