Automated Test Design and Bug Fixing @Facebook

The talk describes the deployment of Sapienz, a system for automated test case design that uses Search Based Software Engineering (SBSE) that has been deployed at Facebook since October 2017 to design test cases, localise and triage crashes to developers and monitor their fixes. It also describes SapFix, a system for automated fix design and deployment. Facebook continues to build on the Sapienz infrastructure, extending it to provide other software engineering services and we hope this will yield sustained interest in SBSE and hybridisation of it as a result. Finally, the talk also outlines some open problems and challenges, based on our experience of deploying Sapienz at Facebook scale.

Nadia Alshahwan
Software Engineer @Facebook
Nadia Alshahwan is a Software Engineer in testing and verification at Facebook. She is part of the Sapienz automated testing team. Here main interests are automated test generation and automated oracles. Nadia received a PhD from UCL in web application testing. She also worked as a researcher in...
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