DevOps for Developers (Or Maybe Against Them?!)
"DevOps" is the operations people’s crafty plan to make developers do other people's work, but we are smart enough to see right through this naive rebranding trick!
Baruch suggests you think about it: we, the developers, have written all the code. It passes all the tests; it obviously works, and works well (Are we a little proud? We are!); so we are DONE.
Now, out of the blue, a bunch of "thought leaders" (all with an operations background, mind you!) are trying to tell us that we have to learn YAML, Docker, Kubernetes and Terraform to deploy our software because suddenly it is our concern?!
In this talk, we'll discuss why developers do or don’t need DevOps. We'll consider arguments made by DevOps visionaries and see whether they hold water. Hopefully, by the end of the talk, we'll understand whether DevOps really helps developers to deploy better code to production more often, or if it is just another scam made up by marketing and evangelists.
This is a fun and provocative talk. I am starting with claiming that developers have no incentives to do any DevOps and will work my way to explain why although there is some truth in that, it doesn't' really matter. The business must commit to DevOps and once the business committed, everyone has to be on-board.

Baruch Sadogursky
Head of DevOps Advocacy & Developer Advocate @jfrog
Baruch Sadogursky (a.k.a JBaruch) is the Head of DevOps Advocacy and a Developer Advocate at JFrog. His passion is speaking about technology. Well, speaking in general, but doing it about technology makes him look smart, and 19 years of hi-tech experience sure helps. When he’s not on stage...
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