Track Overview
Performance & Mechanical Sympathy
Ensuring that an application performs at the expected level under differing loads is always a challenge for developers. This is made even more complex when balancing latency and throughput requirements against the cost of infrastructure or cloud.
In this track, we have presenters with deep knowledge of the best approaches to use to meet application performance goals. Discussions will cover both software techniques and how to work in sympathy with the underlying hardware to extract the most from it.
From this track
Java Flight Recorder as an Observability Tool
Monday Apr 4 / 10:35AM BST
JDK Flight Recorder (JFR) is one of the best sources of telemetry and monitoring data for the JVM. However, it has not achieved particularly widespread usage - many Java engineers do not use it regularly and those that do frequently only use it via the Mission Control (JMC) GUI tool.In this talk,...

Ben Evans
Java Champion, Author of "Java in a Nutshell"
Understanding Java Through Graphs
Monday Apr 4 / 11:50AM BST
Many people will know that when you use Java you compile your application using the javac compiler to a data structure called bytecode. Many people will also be familiar with a data structure called an abstract-syntax-tree, or AST, which is the way that the Java compiler represents your Java...

Chris Seaton
Researcher (Senior Staff Engineer) @Shopify
Performance & Mechanical Sympathy Panel
Monday Apr 4 / 01:40PM BST
Details coming soon.

Monica Beckwith
Java Champion, First Lego League Coach, passionate about JVM Performance @Microsoft

Peter Lawrey
CEO @Chronicle_SW

Chris Seaton
Researcher (Senior Staff Engineer) @Shopify

Ben Evans
Java Champion, Author of "Java in a Nutshell"
Jedi Wisdom for Cloud Performance: Sympathize with Hardware, You Must!
Monday Apr 4 / 02:55PM BST
This is part 1 in a series of talks covering Padawan Monica Beckwith’s hands-on practical experience over the last two decades. Monica, who has trained with many Knights and a few Masters, will cover what it means to be sympathetic to the underlying hardware in Scaling Up and Scaling Out...

Monica Beckwith
Java Champion, First Lego League Coach, passionate about JVM Performance @Microsoft
Unconference: Performance
Monday Apr 4 / 04:10PM BST
Details coming soon.
Using Shared Memory-Mapped Files in Java
Monday Apr 4 / 05:25PM BST
Unsafe in Java 8Project Panama in Java 17 and Java 19Practical uses with code examplesSimple demo using PanamaEvent Sourcing using shared memory with Chronicle Queue

Peter Lawrey
CEO @Chronicle_SW
Speakers from this track

Ben Evans
Java Champion, Author of "Java in a Nutshell"
Ben Evans is Senior Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat. Previously, he was Lead Architect for Instrumentation at New Relic. He also co-founded jClarity, a JVM performance optimization company (acquired by Microsoft in 2019). He is a former member of the JCP Executive Committee, and helped...
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Chris Seaton
Researcher (Senior Staff Engineer) @Shopify
Chris is a Researcher (Senior Staff Engineer) at Shopify, where he works on the Ruby programming Language, and a Visitor at the University of Manchester.He was formerly a Research Manager at the Oracle Labs Virtual Machine Research Group, where he led the TruffleRuby implementation of Ruby, and...
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Monica Beckwith
Java Champion, First Lego League Coach, passionate about JVM Performance @Microsoft
Java Champion Monica Beckwith is considered a subject matter expert, has several published articles and gets regular invitations to give talks on JVM/JIT Compilation/Garbage Collection (GC). She is also a JavaOne Rock Star.Monica has made various performance contributions to the Java HotSpot VM...
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Peter Lawrey
CEO @Chronicle_SW
Peter Lawrey has the most answers for concurrency and memory in, and the second-highest for Java.Peter is a Java Champion, the CEO of Chronicle Software and the architect of OpenHFT libraries downloaded from 15K different IP addresses each month.
Read moreFind Peter Lawrey at:
Track Host

Martijn Verburg
Principal Engineering Group Manager (Java) @Microsoft. ex CEO at jClarity (acquired by MSFT) & CxO / start-up mentor
Martijn is the Principal Software Engineering Group Manager for the Java Engineering Group at Microsoft. Prior to being acquired by Microsoft, he was the CEO of jClarity, a Performance Diagnostic tooling company that used ML and statistical techniques to automate root cause analysis of...
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