Performance engineering encompasses the techniques applied during a systems development life cycle to ensure the non-functional requirements for performance (such as throughput, latency, or memory usage) will be met. It may be alternatively referred to as systems performance engineering within systems engineering, and software performance engineering or application performance engineering within software engineering.
Performance Engineering, in Hackernoon. Retrieved 2/24/2018.
Java Flight Recorder as an Observability Tool
JDK Flight Recorder (JFR) is one of the best sources of telemetry and monitoring data for the JVM. However, it has not achieved particularly widespread usage - many Java engineers do not use it regularly and those that do frequently only use it via the Mission Control (JMC) GUI tool.In this talk,...
Understanding Java Through Graphs
Many people will know that when you use Java you compile your application using the javac compiler to a data structure called bytecode. Many people will also be familiar with a data structure called an abstract-syntax-tree, or AST, which is the way that the Java compiler represents your Java...
Using Shared Memory-Mapped Files in Java
Unsafe in Java 8Project Panama in Java 17 and Java 19Practical uses with code examplesSimple demo using PanamaEvent Sourcing using shared memory with Chronicle Queue
Jedi Wisdom for Cloud Performance: Sympathize with Hardware, You Must!
This is part 1 in a series of talks covering Padawan Monica Beckwith’s hands-on practical experience over the last two decades. Monica, who has trained with many Knights and a few Masters, will cover what it means to be sympathetic to the underlying hardware in Scaling Up and Scaling Out...
Performance & Mechanical Sympathy Panel
Details coming soon.