Workshop: Introduction to Terraform

Duration: 9:00am - 12:00pm

Day of week: Thursday

Level: Beginner

Key Takeaways

  • You’ll leave with an understanding of the principles of declarative infrastructure management
  • You’ll be comfortable getting hands-on with Terraform, and you’ll have practical experience using it to manage two leading clouds
  • You’ll know advances Terraform syntax and best-practices


  • Familiarity with cloud providers and IaaS concepts, comfortable with a text editor / IDE and the command line.
  • Please bring a Mac or Linux machine / VM.


In this workshop, we’ll learn how to automate building of cloud infrastructure. We’ll see how previously point-and-click infrastructure deployments can be specified declaratively in source-controlled files, and have their lifecycle managed by the leading cloud-native tool: Terraform. We’ll go from nothing to two servers in two clouds, and managed DNS too. Note that this workshop is about deploying IaaS resources, rather than services or Kubernetes.

Speaker: Matt Turner

Site Reliability Engineer @MarshallWace

Matt is an SRE at Marshall Wace, a London asset manager. Matt's team is responsible for infrastructure, on-prem and public-cloud, security, and developer experience. Marshall Wace's platform has it all - old and new, Kubernetes and Kerberos. Matt has done Dev, sometimes with added Ops, for over a decade, working at JetStack, SkyScanner, Cisco, Tetrate, and others. His idea of "full-stack" is Linux, Kubernetes, and now Istio too. He's given lots of talks and workshops on Kubernetes and friends, and is co-organiser of the Istio London meetup. He tweets @mt165 and blogs at


Find Matt Turner at


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