Meet the QCon London Committee Members
QCon London 2022 Committee Member
Charles Humble
Head of Editorial
Charles Humble took over as head of the editorial team at in March 2014, guiding the content creation including news, articles, books, video presentations and interviews. Prior to taking on the full-time role at InfoQ, Charles led our Java coverage, and was CTO for PRPi Consulting, a renumeration research firm that was acquired by PwC in July 2012. For PRPi he had overall responsibility for the development of all the custom software used within the company. He has worked in enterprise software for around 20 years as a developer, architect and development manager. In his spare time he writes music as 1/3 of London-based ambient techno group Twofish, whose debut album came out in February 2014 after 14 years of messing about with expensive toys, and spends as much time as he can with his wife and young family.
qcon@192-168-1-1: ~/pc-chair
Discover some of the topics you will see at QCon London.
Apr 4
Apr 04
Architectures You've Always Wondered About

Eder Ignatowicz Java Champion, Tech Lead, and Principal Software Engineer @RedHat
Apr 04
Performance & Mechanical Sympathy

Martijn Verburg Principal Engineering Group Manager (Java) @Microsoft. ex CEO at jClarity (acquired by MSFT) & CxO / start-up mentor