
Guardians of the Galaxy: Architecting a Culture of Secure Software

We are living in the age of technology. We are the engineers that will build the incredible machines, once the realm of science fiction. These systems will process our most sensitive information and help us stay healthier, more sustainable and explore the universe.
As we embark on this adventure, how do we make sure that our data is staying safe and our people protected without getting in the way of innovation? Can we move really fast and care about our security? What are the challenges in this emerging space and how can we work together to fix them?
Securing the future means creating new technologies and solutions, securing the future is going to take just as much innovation so let's get started, together.


Laura Bell

Founder of SafeStack

With almost a decade of experience in software development and information security, Laura Bell specializes in bringing security survival skills, practices, and culture into fast paced organisations of every shape and size. An experienced conference speaker, trainer, and regular panel member,...

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