2019 Tracks, Hosts and Workshops
“JavaScript: Powering the Modern Web”, “Languages for Specific Domains”, “Advances in FinTech” were just some of the 18 editorial tracks at QCon London 2019. Take a look at the others and catch a glimpse of the QCon London 2019 workshops.
See the Tracks, Hosts and Workshops →2019 Trending Talks
Some of the top sessions from QCon London 2019 included “What We Got Wrong: Lessons from the Birth of Microservices” by @LightStepHQ’s Co-Founder Ben Sigelman, and “Airbnb’s Great Migration: Building Services at Scale” by @Airbnb’s Software Engineer Jessica Tai.
Watch all the trending talks →2019 Keynotes
QCon London 2019 keynotes included Sarah Wells, Technical Director for Operations and Reliability @FT (Financial Times), and Peter Morgan, AI Community Leader, Founder, and CEO of Deep Learning Partnership.
Watch all the QCon London 2019 keynotes →2019 Photos and Testimonials
Relive the QCon experience through our photos from the 13th edition of QCon London. Discover the impact QCon had on our attendees in their own words.
Discover the Experience →2019 Topics
Over 1500 attendees learned from practitioners working in innovator and early adopter companies about the topics that matter most in software today. Our technology adoption curve captures these topics:

Use our interactive chart to learn more about the 2019 sessions by topic
2019 Hosts and Tracks
What is a QCon track? Each "editorial" track (that's what we call the curated talks focused on developer lessons) is a collection of software topics curated by a domain expert in areas such as culture, data science, machine learning, front-end technologies, and architecture. Take a look at the QCon London 2019 hosts and tracks:
Charles Humble
Head of Editorial @InfoQ.com
Architectures You've Always Wondered About
Ever wondered how they do it? Next-gen architectures from the most admired companies in software, such as Netflix, ...
Nicki Watt
CTO/CEO @OpenCredo
Architecting for Failure: Chaos, Complexity, and Resilience
Making systems resilient involves people and tech. Learn about strategies being used from chaos testing to distributed ...
Richard Rodger
Richard Rodger is the founder and CEO @voxgig
JavaScript: Powering the Modern Web
Explore the frameworks that make JavaScript so popular, and learn how JavaScript-based languages are revolutionizing ...
Dan North
Originator of BDD
“Don’t Mess Up The Culture!”—Scaling with Sanity
Culture is simply a shared way of doing something with passion. How do you maintain the culture as you scale?
Martin Goodson
Chief Scientist/CEO @EvolutionAI
AI/Machine Learning without a PhD
AI/ML is more approachable than ever. Discover how deep learning and ML is being used in practice. Topics include: ...
Sally Goble
Senior Engineering Manager @Deliveroo
Career Hacking
Strategies for advancing the skills that advance your career. Look for mentoring, speaking, empathy, and career paths.
Guy Podjarny
Co-founder @SnykSec, previously CTO @Akamai
Security Transformation
How do you actually start with a security mindset? Learn techniques for making security a first-class concern.
Richard Warburton
Top Performance-Minded Java Engineer & cofounder of Opsian.com
Bare Knuckle Performance
Killing latency and getting the most out of your hardware.
Martijn Verburg
Principal Engineering Group Manager (Java) @Microsoft. ex CEO at jClarity (acquired by MSFT) & CxO / start-up mentor
Evolving Java & the JVM
6 month cadence, cloud-native deployments, scale, Graal, Kotlin, and beyond. Learn how the role of Java and the JVM is ...
Andrea Magnorsky
Functional Languages Programmer
The Right Language for the Job
We're polyglot developers. Learn languages that excel at very specific tasks and remove the undifferentiated heavy ...
Justin Cormack
Developer @Docker
Modern Operating Systems
Decompose the modern operating system, LinuxKit, Containers, Unikernals, eBPF, and more.
Sid Anand
Hacker at Large, Co-chair @QCon & Data Council, PMC & Committer @ApacheAirflow
Modern CS in the Real World
Rediscover CS in this applied track on how research is affecting software today.
Sam Newman
Microservice, Cloud, CI/CD Expert
Architecting for the Cloud / Streaming Architectures
Cloud native architectures is a reality. Hear the war stories. learn the benefits, and dodge some of the pitfalls of ...
Jonas Bonér
Founder & CTO @Lightbend / Creator of Akka
Operationalizing Microservices: Design, Deliver, Operate
What's the last mile for deploying your service? Learn techniques from the world's most innovative shops on operating ...
Tracy Miranda
Director of Open Source Community @CloudBees
DevOps & DevEx: Remove Friction, Ship Code, Add Value
Remove developer friction: CI/CD, fluent API, service meshes... anything that removes the friction in deploying & ...
Jamie Dobson
CEO @containersoluti (Container Solutions)
Surviving Uncertainty: GDPR, Brexit, or Politics? Beyond DR
With so much uncertainty, how do you bulkhead your organization and technology choices? Learn strategies for dealing ...
Greg Hawkins
Former Chief Technology Officer @starlingbank
Advances in FinTech
Finance is king in London. What's happening and what should you be paying attention to with modern #FinTech
Anne Currie
Chief Strategist @containersoluti (Container Solutions)
Tech Ethics: The Intersection of Human Welfare & STEM
What does it mean to be ethical in software? Hear how the discussion is evolving and what is being said in ethics today.
2019 Workshops
QCon isn't just about the conference. QCon also offers a wide reach of workshops on the two days following the conference. We had an incredible lineup of workshops in 2019 that provided shorter technology-focused deep dives. This year’s topics included: Serverless, Containers, Kubernetes, Apache Kafka, KSQL, Java, Microservice, Security and more:
Getting Started With Kubernetes and Container Orchestration
Jérôme PetazzoniStaff Container & Infrastructure Engineer @enixsas
Advanced Ultimate Go
William KennedyManaging Partner @ardanlabs, Author of Go In Action, & Organizer of Go / Mongo Meetups in Miami
Building Reliable Systems Workshop
Russell MilesCEO of @chaosiqio
Advanced Java Profiling
Mark PricePerformance Engineering Specialist at Aitu Software
(Deep) Learn Neural Networks with PyTorch
Jendrik JördeningData Scientist @Nooxit
React Workshop
Steve KinneyPrincipal Engineer @SendGrid
Electron Workshop
Steve KinneyPrincipal Engineer @SendGrid
Introduction to Containers
Adrian MouatChief Scientist @containersoluti (Container Solutions)
Container and Microservice Security
Adrian MouatChief Scientist @containersoluti (Container Solutions)
Introduction to Monitoring with Prometheus & Grafana
Tom WilkieVP Product Company @grafana
Programming the Cloud with TypeScript: Serverless, Containers and Kubernetes
Luke HobanCTO @PulumiCorp & TypeScript Co-Creator
Deploying and Observing Secure, and Highly Available Applications with a Service Mesh
Nic JacksonDeveloper Advocate @HashiCorp
Apache Kakfa and KSQL in Action: Let's Build a Streaming Data Pipeline
Robin MoffattDeveloper Advocate @confluentinc
Negotiating for Your Career: How to Master Critical Conversations
Portia TungAuthor of "The Dream Team Nightmare"
Being Agile in a Remote Team
Shane Hastie -
Java.Next: Keeping Up with Java
Sander MakFellow & Software Architect @luministech
2019 Keynotes
QCon London 2019 brought together incredible people who shared their insights to help software teams adopt new technologies and practices. Our keynote speakers are among the team leads, architects and software engineers moving our industry forward. Here are four takeaways from our 2019 keynotes:
Ben Goldacre
Award-winning Writer, Broadcaster, Doctor, Academic and Campaigner
Bad Science, Better Data
“True nerds know the opportunities, but also the pitfalls. Analyses can be flawed by design. Bad governance can stifle innovation while also losing public trust for a generation. Money can be hosed away on shiny promises, while simple quick wins are ...”
Sarah Wells
Former Tech Director for Engineering Enablement @FT (Financial Times)
Mature Microservices and How to Operate Them
“You need to make sure you know when something's wrong. It is extremely easy with microservice architecture to get inundated with alerts because you just start monitoring for all your systems. But what you want to know is what's actually broken? ...”
Ben Sigelman
Co-Founder @LightStepHQ & Co-Creator Dapper & @OpenTracing API Standard
Restoring Confidence in Microservices: Tracing That's More Than Traces
“Distributed traces, I think, are necessary to understand that complexity, but we will never, ever actually get to the bottom of these issues, at least not in short order unless we employ much more intelligent analyses of that raw data than we're doing ...”
Peter Morgan
AI Community Leader & Founder and CEO Deep Learning Partnership
Building Artificial General Intelligence
“What are we missing? What we're missing is the big picture, which is what is intelligence? I'm going to answer that question for you now. It's not really a mystery if you think about ...”
2019 Trending Talks
Catch up on the trending talks you missed from QCon London 2019
Watch all videos with transcripts on InfoQ →
Complex Event Flows in Distributed Systems
Bernd Ruecker Co-founder and chief technologist @Camunda -
Life Beyond Java 8
Trisha Gee Java Champion, Engineer and Evangelist -
What We Got Wrong: Lessons from the Birth of Microservices
Ben Sigelman Co-Founder @LightStepHQ & Co-Creator Dapper & @OpenTracing API Standard -
Lessons From 300k+ Lines of Infrastructure Code
Yevgeniy Brikman Co-founder @gruntwork_io -
Airbnb’s Great Migration: Building Services at Scale
Jessica Tai Software Engineer @Airbnb -
Reactive Systems Architecture
Jan Machacek Senior Principal Engineer @waltdisneyco & Founder @muvrhq
The QCon Experience
QCon is dedicated to helping software developers who strive to bring innovation in their teams. Our commitment to empowering every software professional is reflected in our "We Care" philosophy. We designed QCon as a place where everyone feels safe to express themselves, learn, and succeed in adopting new technology and practices that create change and innovation.
See all conference photos

The QCon Impact
QCon London isn’t just a software conference. It’s the place where senior software engineers, tech leads, and architects come together to learn, share, and push each other to drive innovation in the software industry. Find out what attendees had to say about their experience at QCon London 2019.
This has been an awesome conference, after speaking with others I think it’s due to the super technical content, quality speakers, and lack of vendor talks #qconlondon so glad I could be here :)
— Jessie Frazelle (@jessfraz) March 5, 2019 -
The sheer brain power on this stage is lighting up the room and reducing the QEII electric bill! @justincormack @jessfraz @perbu @KentonVarda @allisonrandal #qconlondon pic.twitter.com/HDl9Df1ig3
— Avi Deitcher (@avideitcher) March 4, 2019 -
Slides from my @qconlondon talk today: lessons learned from writing over 300,000 lines of infrastructure code. https://t.co/lPhCxzzTpH
— Yevgeniy Brikman (@brikis98) March 5, 2019
Thomas Leu Developer @Adcubum AG Great and diverse selection of tracks, different than other conferences plus Open Spaces, AMAs, etc. Organizers are open to new ideas and are very happy to try new things for a better conference experience. Talking to the organizers Silke, Wes and Dio during lunch and exchanging ideas and feedback was very nice and showed that you really care about the conference and making it a great experience for everyone.
QCon London 2019
Mathias Faanes Olsen Software Developer @Finn.no I would recommend QCon. It has a wide variety of topics that would pique developers' interest. What makes QCon different is the span of topics, other conferences might only be centered around a single stack or a single technology but QCon binds these all together so we can bond over the love for new tech.
QCon London 2019
Michael Walsh Software Engineer @Redgate Software I like QCon because it offers talks on such a wide variety of topics from experts all over the industry, and offers a friendly environment to connect with other like-minded individuals.
QCon London 2019
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